How to get to Cirencester

Information for people travelling to Cirencester

If you are travelling to Cirencester and you haven't visited before, we hope the following information will help you getting to Cirencester by car, bus or train.

You will find information on getting to Cirencester by car, reaching Cirencester by train, travelling to Cirencester by bus and how to get to Cirencester if you are flying into the country.

Getting to Cirencester by car

Travelling to Cirencester by Road

Travelling to Cirencester by Road - From the North

Leave the M5 at junction 11a, and follow the A417 towards Cirencester.

Leave the A417 at the Burford Road junction and turn right into Cirencester

From the South

As above, leave the M5 at junction 11a

From the East

Leave the M4 at junction 15 (Swindon) and follow A417 to Cirencester

From the West

Leave the M4 at either junction 17 or 18 and follow signposts to Cirencester

Car parking in Cirencester

Cirencester car parks

Parking in Cirencester

If you are travelling to Cirencester by car you will be interested to hear that Cirencester has a number of car parks located within easy walking distance of the town centre. Car parks in Cirencester include The Market Place, Abbey Grounds car park, Brewery car park, Old Station car park, Waterloo car park, Forum car park. All of these car parks operate a pay and display system.

Parking in Cirencester

Getting to Cirencester by train

Arriving in the area by train?

How to get to Cirencester by train

Cirencester's nearest railway station is at Kemble (around 7 miles from Cirencester) on the Cheltenham-Swindon-London line. Trains run to Stroud, Gloucester and Cheltenham (for the Midlands and North) and to Swindon (for London Paddington, Reading, Bath, Bristol and South Wales). There are also several services each day to and from Paddington.

Once at Kemble you can get a taxi to Cirencester. Also, Stagecoach have a bus service linking Cirencester with Kemble station - number 882.

Getting to Cirencester by bus

Travelling to Cirencester on a bus

How to get to Cirencester by bus

National Express coaches travel from London Victoria Coach Station to Cirencester.

Megabus has up to 2 busses running from London to Cirencester. The route M14 bus stops at 5 stops between London and Cirencester. The bus sets off from Victoria Coach Station and drops you off at London Road, outside Beeches Car Park in Cirencester. The journey takes just over 2.5 hours.

The main bus services in Cirencester are provided by Stagecoach. For details of the Stagecoach service telephone Stagecoach on 01452 418630.

Cirencester Action on Buses

Cirencester area bus services

Cirencester district bus guide - Copyright Cirencester Action on Buses - No reproduction without permission
Cirencester district bus guide - Copyright Cirencester Action on Buses - No reproduction without permission

This infographic gives an indication of the bus services available in the Cirencester area. Always use alongside the timetables on and input your location on for full details.

N.B. this graphic excludes the town circular, the no 58. And if you can't find a bus to your destination you may be able to use the Robin the bookable bus service.

Cirencester is in the Robin's South Cotswolds territory.

Getting to Cirencester by air

Arriving in the country on a plane?

How to get to Cirencester by air

The nearest major airport to Cirencester is found at Bristol (then follow 'From the South' road directions, closely followed by Birmingham (then follow 'From the North' road directions).

When flying into Gatwick or Heathrow you need to travel along the M4. See the 'From the East' road directions above.